FHS Year 7 Geographers Investigate Rainfall Rates
'Wicked Weather' Homework Task
How many do you know ???
Welcome Year 7 Geographers 2013!
You are about to undertake your geography journey at FHS where you will learn about a wide range of topics including African countries, map skills, British landmarks and much much more.
You are currently studying Map Skills.
Year 7 Examination Week June 2013 begins on Monday.
You will be examined during your geography lessons next week. Please revise the following topics for homework;
Map Skills
Grid References
Scale and Distance
Water cycle
Types of clouds
Types of rainfall diagrams and how they work
Please see your teacher for more information
'Wicked Weather' Homework Task
As part of your homework, you will be measuring the daily precipitation rates with your very own homemade rain gauge!
Be sure to measure the rainfall each day and record some further weather observations. Think about describing the temperature, windspeed, cloud type and cloud cover. Make sure your cat or dog does not run off with your rain gauge!
How many do you know ???
Welcome Year 7 Geographers 2013!
You are about to undertake your geography journey at FHS where you will learn about a wide range of topics including African countries, map skills, British landmarks and much much more.
You are currently studying Map Skills.
Year 7 Examination Week June 2013 begins on Monday.
You will be examined during your geography lessons next week. Please revise the following topics for homework;
Map Skills
Grid References
Scale and Distance
Water cycle
Types of clouds
Types of rainfall diagrams and how they work
Please see your teacher for more information
Complete games 1, 2 and 3 (get your parents to sign your planner as proof that you have tried the games. P.S. there is a prize for game number 1)
Game number 2.
After learning your map skills in the classroom you can now put them to use helping Eric to find his granddads treasure. Click the link below to play…..Good Luck
Game number 3.
Following your studies on symbols in real life, as well as Ordnance Survey map symbols. Click the link to play a game where you need this knowledge to succeed! …. Good Luck
After asking year 7’s what they would like to see on the Formby High School Geography Blog. Many pupils said that they would like to see some Geography Games on here.
So here we go.
Game number 1.
“Beat the teacher” - Your task is complete the game on the following link faster than Mr Wilson.
If you complete the medium level game in less than 77 seconds then print your screen (If you are having trouble with this press ‘print screen’ and ‘paste’ onto a word document) and bring your printout into school to get a prize.
Good Luck!!!!!
Geo-caching Taster Event
Saturday 22nd September 2012 at Formby Pinewoods...
Welcome to Formby High School Year 7 Geographers!
During the Autumn Term you will be studying POW! (Positive Outlook on the World)...enjoy.
Stonehenge July 11th 2012
Fires light up the ancient stones at Stonehenge near Salisbury, Wiltshire as French artists Compagnie Carabosse present Fire Garden for the Salisbury International Arts Festival
Year 7 EvaluationWhat have you enjoyed most?
What would you like to learn about next year?
Follow link sign up and leave your comments!
Year 7 Summer Examinations
begin on 28th May 2012
The topics below may be handy to know...
Can you spot the different types of clouds?
Why does it rain?...can you remember?



Can you remember the three types of rainfall?
7F - Extreme Weather Homework Task
Click on the link below and read instructions at the top of the wall.
Just in time for RAINBOW DAY...
You are currently studying Wicked Weather!
The topics below may be handy to know...
Year 7 Revision Guide
Can you remember the three types of rainfall?
7F - Extreme Weather Homework Task
Add a 'sticky note' to the page with an interesting fact, image or video clip about an extreme weather event.
Just in time for RAINBOW DAY...
You are currently studying Wicked Weather!
Year 7 Africa Assessment
South Africa Tourism Advert- What Do You Think?
Homework investigation:
1. A map of your country
2. How many countries are in Africa?
4. What is your country's environment (natural suroundings such as vegetation) like?
5. What is you country's economy ( trade, jobs etc.) like?
6. Think about how you would advertise your country.
7. Where would you like to visit in Africa?
At the end of our TIA (This Is Africa) Unit students will be working on their Africa Passport.
TIPS ON How to prepare...
1. Choose a country to study - try to be different! Maybe you or someone your know has links to an African country.
2. Remember AFRICA is a continent not a country.
3. Start to collect useful images of your country which show geography happening e.g. local people in Tanzania or types of farming in Ghana etc.
4. Check this clip out...it may give you some ideas.
4. Check this clip out...it may give you some ideas.
Year 7 end of year test coming up - practise your map skills using this website :mapzone.ordnancesurvey.co.uk

Test your knowledge of Europe .. let Miss Coyne or Mr Gallagher know your top score.....