good luck tomorrow!!!!
Mrs Blanchard
Use the information below to complete the past question ..
"What are the advantages and disadvantages of booking your own holiday ?"
Evaluate the effectiveness of sustainable tourism in an area you have studied (4)
To answer this question -Evaluate command word you have to look at the successes and failures of the GBRMPA - and then make a decision as to how successful it has been as an example of tourism - in other words:
- does it help to protect the environment ?
- does it help to develop a stable economy ?
- does it support traditional culture / way of life - without causing offence ?
This question is difficult and for foundation I would expect you to focus on the environment
use the following sentence starter...
"for tourism to be sustainable then the impacts on local people, the economy and the environment need to be balanced ...."
make sure that you evaluate in other words you say in your conclusion that it has been highly successful
1. What is meant by the term ecotourism ? (3)
2. Explain why ecotourism is a sustainable form of tourism. (6)
1. What is the difference between domestic and international tourism ?
2. What is mass tourism ?
3. What is the difference between short and long haul ?
different funky approach to revision
this website is great
sign in and then you can add your own bits to help you remember the key dates or browse other contributors ideas- has to be the best revision website I have ever seen …..
Why don't you make your own garden for your case studies and share with your friends
trust me it is worth a look
and I've made you one for hurricane katrina
in making it I have 8 pieces of info in my long term memory !!!
This is a lovely revision resource
revise your volcano case study...
How do hurricanes form ?
yippee !!!! one down one to go
thousand 'well-dones'
Don't forget your lucky string
try this question….
Explain how erosion forms cave searches and stacks.
Anything you do today will have a massive impact on your results on Tuesday
Keep working hard Y11
try this question
explain what is meant by sustainability
then weave Bedzed and Curitiba into an essay
make sure you say why your two case studies show a sustainable approach to managing urban areas.
Water pollution

today's smile
today's smile ……
please check out the GCSE bitesize website on coasts:
formation of a spit
Every question you are asked on the formation of a coastal erosion feature must include the processes of erosion.
Erosion is... rocks being broken down and moved away. Marine erosion is the wearing away and removal of rocks by the action of the sea.
There are 3 processes of erosion :
Thursday - tourism
What are the commonalities between Benidorm and Southport ? what are the differences ?
Can you think of three ways Southport is different to Benidorm and three ways it is similar ?
Make sure they are geographical !
coasts revision
Thursday 24 April
Wednesday 23 April
Thanks for coming along to Easter School....
What was in the cooker ?
How fast was the cat ?
How many in the cupboard?
What was the cake for ?
Some revsion for the next few days ........
What is happening in Rio and why?
Should we spend more on protecting our coastlines?
slum tourism - what is you opinion ?
why do the children of Montserrat sing about volcanoes?
revision thursday afterschool...
in the meantime .....
something nice for the weekend ……
watch mind the gap on iplayer
or if you are looking for A* have a look at this website- it is super!
for those who just want a bit of exam practise ….
Mrs B
it's starting….
nice simple and enjoyable 10 minute task
watch the following videos:
a little cheeky revision …
and some amazing wildfires
and just love the Hawaiian Lava flows
2 types of Hawaaiian lava one called Pahoehoe and one called a'a
pahoehoe is thick and can flow up hill :)
and a great Benidorm one
and all about Cambodia
and a cheeky earthquake to finish
Enjoy :)
w/c 10 February
Use website below to research cultural tourism in Cambodia
answer the question below
What natural and physical attractions does Cambodia have for tourism ?
Identify a site in Cambodia where tourism occus - what problems can tourism bring ?
How can tourism be managed sustainably in Cambodia ?
w/c January 27
Tourism and the Truth
Bring on the Doolymeister
Mind map of the information in the video please
if problem playing please search stacey Dooley Tourism and the Truth Kenya
Jan 21
Use the resource above to prepare an answer to the following activity …..
How can Butlers Life Cycle Model be used to explain what has happened in the photograph below of Southport ?
and how can the model be used to explain this ?
Jan 8
These are some of my favourite storm photos
The disappearing stack totally amazing power of nature
mocks nearly over …keep smiling :)
Friday 6 Dec
Hope you have all had a lovely day off!
If you fancy some revision (just for fun!!!)
Use this link to look at the excellent powerpoint on tropical storms - this is best for higher tier students
for foundation students:
Hurricane Katrina MEDC example
Cyclone Nargis LEDC example
Thursday 5 Dec
For those of you working at a C/B grade
use the bitesize revsion website to check your knowledge of coasts
For those of you working at a A/A* grade:
Wednesday 4 Dec
Type onto Youtube Geography revision
the first hit iran 18 minute video on coastal landforms - watch it!!
That is your revision for tonight!
Fieldwork update
Well done Y11 you were superb!
Your conduct and desire to achieve the highest standards made you a pleasure to accompany to the Lakes.
We were all hugely impressed by your real thirst for geographical knowledge and the quality of your geographical questions and thinking.
However, it was your "can do" spirit and ability to work independently from your teachers that really set you apart.
Very Very well done
Enjoy your weekend
Mrs B :)
(and a special well done from
Mr Gallagher and Mr McGuiness)
Fieldwork Thursday
check out the met office weather forecast
it is going to be cold
wrap up
hats gloves and scarfs please
leaving at 8
don't forget a pencil
Mrs B
Welcome my new Year 11!
really positive start today
but can you beat a 4 year old ?????
Mrs Blanchard
You just know how much I like being right !
All records smashed!
Well done guys
We were smiling today
After the exam -yipee !
...Can't grumble at that - hope you spotted my amazing spidey sense prediction skill ... see you all on Friday... and then results day (can't wait :))
bet your all crying exams are over !!!!
This time tomorow it will all be over :)
Just keep going through your revsion guides - learn the multiplier effect - learn your case studies - refresh your knowledge of command words and think about how to develop answers. (PEE)
You can always go back over the blog posts to help with revsion.
Good Luck
Will see you in the exam hall - I want to see everyone with confident smiles
Use the last of your time effectively
Mrs B
Hope you like today's smile......
Anything you do today will have a massive impact on your results on Tuesday
Keep working hard Y11
try this question
"How can tourism close the development gap ?"
introduction - The development gap is the term given to .....
paragraph 1 - Cambodia is an example of a country that is using tourism to help close the gap .....
paragraph 2 - explain how the tourism multiplier effect works
paragraph 3 - explain how the money a government receives from tourism can be used to improve education health and infrastructure and so can improve the populations quality of life
conclusion - explain that it's not always this easy as a country that relies solely on tourism can be in a vulnerable position / or talk about butlers model
Really focus Spelling Punctuation and Grammar in this practice essay as well as PEE
keep smiling Y11 - nearly over
have a little read about tour companies tonight:
go to the following website
and watch the video's for:
climate change
economic change
each video is only 2 mins - they will help your general understanding of tourism
super sports person !!!!!
Revision P3 -after maths in A6 Friday
Tuesday 11 July
Describe the positive and negative social impacts of tourism. (8marks)
REVISION IS ON P5 Wednesday in A6 - to allow time in morning to revise for ICT
Monday 10 July
1. Explain at least 3 factors that have led to a growth in global tourism.
2. What are development indicators ?
Year 11
Could you take a couple of minutes to complete our exit questionnaire please ?
thank you
Mrs Blanchard
Use the information below to complete the past question ..
"What are the advantages and disadvantages of booking your own holiday ?"
Well done today Thursday - big exam day
20 May 2013 Tourism
learning and understanding the diagram above is very important - draw your own version and put on your bedroom wall
smile of the day
Blackpool - tourism
Need I say more .........
homework 27 April Mrs B's classes
Describe the location of the UK's national Parks. (3)
Explain why the number of people visiting these parks has risen over the last 20 years (5)
Can you justify the following statement:
"Second home ownership in National Parks brings much needed income to small villages."
Challenge plus no more than 60 words !
Year 11
today's smile
What are the commonalities between Benidorm and Southport ? what are the differences ?
Can you think of three ways Southport is different to Benidorm and three ways it is similar ?
Make sure they are geographical !
Welcome back Y11
It's exam time
Smiling is going to be our key to success this year - lovely little starter ...
analyse photograph below -think critically - What is happening in the photograph ? What part of the world do you think this is ? Is this tourism sustainable ?
Clue to country : ALSO
Tuesday :
Coasts easy peasy - fingers crossed for hostile world......
Use this link to look at the excellent powerpoint on tropical storms - this is best for higher tier students
for foundation students:
Hurricane Katrina MEDC example
Cyclone Nargis LEDC example
hostile world
In this paper, you will be asked a lot of data handling and map based questions. It would be a good idea to practise your skills using this section of Bitesize:
don't forget smokey bear
Final Revision
coasts questions
try the past papers
hostile world
try the past paper:
Focus on your Montserrat case study
Y11 - Hostile world - make sure that you are watching about the wildfires in Tasmania - human or natural hazard or quasi ????
Year 11 REVISION Reminder
Resit Revision sessions Wednesday after school in C11 and C14
Any questions about resits see Mrs Slater asap.
Hostile World
Saturday - Wildfires revison
use website above to revise wildfires
revise your processes of erosionusing website above
Hope you all had a lovely christmas - now it's time to think about getting some work completed....
nice easy starter for today
hostile world:
make up song lyrics to the tune of james arthur's (x factor) hit single
impossible a verse on kobe earthquake a verse on california wildfires and a verse on hurricane Katrina
make up the lyrics but this time link to the reasons behind all the recent landslips!!!
will try to update every day now
Mrs B
Happy christmas !!
yipee - it's nearly christmas-
can you take the 5 bullet point challenge?
- in no more than 5 bullet points for each explain - but your bullets must be in sentences with capital letter and full stops
Especially for BEN ;)
.......some extra questions this week....
Explain how the development of coastal areas can damage local environments (6 marks)
(4 marks)
Hostile world
Homework w/c 10th December
Coasts foundation
w/c 3rd December
Homework this week is the past paper
Some of you are still just attempting to answer questions without revising first - it is really important that you try to score the highest marks possible by developing your answers
Look at the example :
Why Study A Level Geography at FHS?
Academic Excellence at Formby High
Geography has for many years achieved a 100% pass rate. An independent analysis of examination results indicates that students in Geography at Formby High achieve higher results than students of similar ability elsewhere (ALPS analysis of examination results).
good luck tomorrow!!!!
Mrs Blanchard
Use the information below to complete the past question ..
"What are the advantages and disadvantages of booking your own holiday ?"
Advantages of planning and booking your own holiday
There is freedom of choice - you can go wherever and whenever you want. You have much more flexibility (eg. if you booked with a travel agency you might have to go half-board at the hotel when you don't actually want to do this).
You feel independent and there is a greater feeling of adventure.
You can stay in more than one place during the course of your holiday.
You can stay in more unconventional locations and won't be restricted to certain hotels.
The holiday you like the look of at the travel agency might not fly from the nearest or most convenient airport. If you book the flight yourself you can choose the most convenient departure airport and time for you.
Disadvantages of planning and booking your own holiday
There's nobody to look after you if things go wrong - if you book through an agent you have a tour company and rep to look after you if something goes wrong.
It can take a long time to book as you need to shop around and look at different websites to find the best deals - a travel agency could do this for you. You can be spoilt for choice as you can choose any combination you want - this can make it very difficult to choose!
If you book the parts of your holiday separately your insurance might not cover you for hotel costs if your flight is delayed or cancelled. If you use a travel agency they will be able to sort out insurance for you so you are covered if anything goes wrong - and as it is part of a package you can be confident that everything is covered.
A travel agency may have specialist knowledge of the destination and may, for example, have information about which areas are not safe to stay in. If you book the holiday yourself, you might miss out on this information.
How can the damaging effects of a tropical storm be reduced in an LEDC ?
Many of your answers are like this:
The damaging effects of tropical storms can be reduced by educating women to swim.
You need to develop this answer - Look how I have developed your answer to score higher marks ..
The damaging effects of tropical storms in LEDCs can be reduced by educating women to swim - unlike MEDCs women are not taught to swim as part of everyday life and may face drowning when the storm surge floods coastal regions. If women can swim then they are more likely to survive by being able to swim to safety along a cyclone wall or in a cyclone shelter. When Cyclone Nargis hit over 100 000 people drowned in a 4 metre storm surge, some of these deaths would have been prevented if women could swim.
I have added some case study detail but more importantly I have explained in detail why educating women to swim reduced the deaths from tropical storms in LEDCs.
You do not need to give a list of points as an answer just really focus on explaining one point well. If the questions asked you to give two reasons then you would need to explain another reason.
Some of you are getting much better at this....the rest of you need to keep trying - it is an easy way to get marks.
and just for fun perhaps you could record a hurricane video - how about this rap for inspiration!
Evaluate the effectiveness of sustainable tourism in an area you have studied (4)
To answer this question -Evaluate command word you have to look at the successes and failures of the GBRMPA - and then make a decision as to how successful it has been as an example of tourism - in other words:
- does it help to protect the environment ?
- does it help to develop a stable economy ?
- does it support traditional culture / way of life - without causing offence ?
This question is difficult and for foundation I would expect you to focus on the environment
use the following sentence starter...
"for tourism to be sustainable then the impacts on local people, the economy and the environment need to be balanced ...."
follow this link for some additional revision:
make sure that you evaluate in other words you say in your conclusion that it has been highly successful
1. What is meant by the term ecotourism ? (3)
2. Explain why ecotourism is a sustainable form of tourism. (6)
1. What is the difference between domestic and international tourism ?
2. What is mass tourism ?
3. What is the difference between short and long haul ?
different funky approach to revision
this website is great
sign in and then you can add your own bits to help you remember the key dates or browse other contributors ideas- has to be the best revision website I have ever seen …..
Why don't you make your own garden for your case studies and share with your friends
trust me it is worth a look
and I've made you one for hurricane katrina
in making it I have 8 pieces of info in my long term memory !!!
This is a lovely revision resource
revise your volcano case study...
How do hurricanes form ?
yippee !!!! one down one to go
thousand 'well-dones'
Don't forget your lucky string
Make sure that you get a good night's sleep
Try walking to school to clear your head (clearly not from Ainsdale or Hightown !)
Be confident
See you tomorrow you will be fab xxxxx
try this question….
Explain how erosion forms cave searches and stacks.
Anything you do today will have a massive impact on your results on Tuesday
Keep working hard Y11
try this question
Explain how sustainable management ideas are being used in urban areas.
Use an example(s) you have studied.
explain what is meant by sustainability
then weave Bedzed and Curitiba into an essay
make sure you say why your two case studies show a sustainable approach to managing urban areas.
Water pollution
Rural to urban migration in Brazil
Migration in an LEDC - from Caatinga in Northeast Brazil to Sao Paulo
In the course of the last 25 years approximately 20,000 people have moved to city centre.
Why people moved away: Push Factors/Pull Factors
- Low unreliable rainfall causes droughts.
- Job in cities like Sao Paulo.
- Difficult for farmers to produce enough food to sustain their subsistence way of life.
- People think there are better job prospects and regular work that is not as back breaking.
PUSH - There is no piped water, electricity or sanitation.
PULL - Better access to services and better transport links.
PUSH AND PULL - Lack of schools and clinics in the area. Belief children will get a better education in the city.
PULL - The glamorous image of the city and ‘bright lights’ attracts people.
Positive effects: More land is left for the people who stay in the countryside to farm. This increases food supplies and quality of life.
Money earned from rural to urban migrants can be sent home to families in the village improving living standards.
Negative effects: As the most active leave the village farming will be difficult and left to women, children and the elderly.
The very young and very old tend to be left behind creating an imbalance in the Population structure – negative effects on social activities and recreation.
In the course of the last 25 years approximately 20,000 people have moved to city centre.
Why people moved away: Push Factors/Pull Factors
- Low unreliable rainfall causes droughts.
- Job in cities like Sao Paulo.
- Difficult for farmers to produce enough food to sustain their subsistence way of life.
- People think there are better job prospects and regular work that is not as back breaking.
PUSH - There is no piped water, electricity or sanitation.
PULL - Better access to services and better transport links.
PUSH AND PULL - Lack of schools and clinics in the area. Belief children will get a better education in the city.
PULL - The glamorous image of the city and ‘bright lights’ attracts people.
Positive effects: More land is left for the people who stay in the countryside to farm. This increases food supplies and quality of life.
Money earned from rural to urban migrants can be sent home to families in the village improving living standards.
Negative effects: As the most active leave the village farming will be difficult and left to women, children and the elderly.
The very young and very old tend to be left behind creating an imbalance in the Population structure – negative effects on social activities and recreation.
today's smile
Revise Curitiba …..
Curitiba 1940
- The city was experiencing rapid growth and had a thriving agricultural sector
and attracted migrants from Japan, Syria and Lebanon. This led to increasing
demand for:
· Housing
· Services
· Transportation
The city planners developed new sewers and road systems
Unchecked growth 1960s - The residents feared problems such as Urban Sprawl, fewer open/green spaces and lost character
· Limited urban sprawl
· protecting all existing green spaces
· preserve public buildings
· new fast direct transport links in and out of the city
· affordable public transport
The master plan 1970s:
· First pedestrian only street
· Triany road system
The Green Era 1980s:
· Green areas protected from development
· City wide recycling program
· Public transport system expanded - colour-coded bus lanes to highlight the different bus routes
International Recognition 1990s:
· more green spaces
· protecting more cultural sites
· high speed bus routes and bus stops
· botanical garden and opera house built on the site of a disused quarry
· New industries such as Audi and Renault
Tourism very important to the city's economy
· sight-seeing bus service
· new skills training for poorly paid residents
· built a new technology park
· investing heavily in alternative fuel technologies
- The city was experiencing rapid growth and had a thriving agricultural sector
and attracted migrants from Japan, Syria and Lebanon. This led to increasing
demand for:
· Housing
· Services
· Transportation
The city planners developed new sewers and road systems
Unchecked growth 1960s - The residents feared problems such as Urban Sprawl, fewer open/green spaces and lost character
· Limited urban sprawl
· protecting all existing green spaces
· preserve public buildings
· new fast direct transport links in and out of the city
· affordable public transport
The master plan 1970s:
· First pedestrian only street
· Triany road system
The Green Era 1980s:
· Green areas protected from development
· City wide recycling program
· Public transport system expanded - colour-coded bus lanes to highlight the different bus routes
International Recognition 1990s:
· more green spaces
· protecting more cultural sites
· high speed bus routes and bus stops
· botanical garden and opera house built on the site of a disused quarry
· New industries such as Audi and Renault
Tourism very important to the city's economy
· sight-seeing bus service
· new skills training for poorly paid residents
· built a new technology park
· investing heavily in alternative fuel technologies
today's smile ……
please check out the GCSE bitesize website on coasts:
Past Question
Explain why a wide range of economic activities is found in coastal areas.
formation of a spit
formation of a stack today
Don't forget importance of starting on a headland - water on three sides and then importance of sequence - weakness- cave- arch -stack -stump and of course how important it is to mention how hydraulic power works - in your 20 minutes today try writing a perfect answer with a diagram in 6 minutes- 15 minutes to revise and 6 minutes to practise.
Have fun ...…
How about a focus on the basics tonight ?
Every question you are asked on the formation of a coastal erosion feature must include the processes of erosion.
Erosion is... rocks being broken down and moved away. Marine erosion is the wearing away and removal of rocks by the action of the sea.
There are 3 processes of erosion :
Corrasion (abrasion) this is where the bits of rock and sand that are carried in the waves are hurled at cliffs and grind them down. It is sometimes described as sandblasting.
Attrition is where the waves cause rocks and pebbles that they are carrying to smash into each other and break down. They become smaller and rounder.
Hydraulic Action is the constant force of waves crashing on the shore. When waves crash against the cliffs they force air into cracks in the rock. The air is trapped, and pressure builds up. As the waves move back, pressure is released and the trapped air expands. Small explosions take place and weaken the rock, blasting fragments away.
Can you make up a revision nmenoic ( an easy way to remember the first letter of the word) I would have
CAH Harry always Cries
Weathering is the breaking down of rocks by the action of the weather, plants or chemical action. In happens in situ - this means 'without movement'. This is the main difference between weathering and erosion.
Solution is where acids contained in sea water slowly dissolve certain types of rock. Sea water is very corrosive and slowly dissolves chalk and limestone. This increases the size of the cracks and joints in the rock so that the other forces of erosion can become more effective.
Wetting/drying is another form of weathering. Here, softer rocks like clay expand when they are wet and contract when they are dry (think about your pottery lessons if you need an easy way to remember this!). Over time, the continual expansion and contraction can weaken the rocks and make them more easily eroded by other processes.
Sub-aerial processes are processes that attack the face and top of a cliff - i.e. those parts that are exposed to the atmosphere. Sub-aerial processes include rainfall, surface runoff and freeze-thaw weathering.
bit harder to make a nmenonic for these letters - I made
Wet and dry Sandwiches make me sick (rubbish - can you do better??)
Past questions have asked you to give a definition of erosion and weathering, explain the difference between the two - however you will most probably use the terms in your explanations as to how features such as wave cut platforms, caves arches stacks and rock falls occur.
Remember it is not enough to say that abrasion happens you have to say how abrasion works to get the full marks. ... Now learn the definitions -easy marks night!!!!
Thursday - tourism
What are the commonalities between Benidorm and Southport ? what are the differences ?
Can you think of three ways Southport is different to Benidorm and three ways it is similar ?
Make sure they are geographical !
coasts revision
tonight you could look at the formation of a wave cut platform and rockfalls - when the rocks fall down
- wave cut platforms happen on hard coastlines
- they occur at the base of a cliff
- abrasion is the main process of erosion but weathering is important too
- the rocks fall into the sea and are then used again to pound the cliff face
look at the diagram below and learn it !
make sure that you can recognise what a wave cut platform looks like on a photo:
( thanks to geobytesgcse for the photo)
use the bite size website to revise tourism
check out climate graphs
other graphs that could come up ...
Thanks for coming along to Easter School....
What was in the cooker ?
How fast was the cat ?
How many in the cupboard?
What was the cake for ?
Some revsion for the next few days ........
What is happening in Rio and why?
Should we spend more on protecting our coastlines?
slum tourism - what is you opinion ?
why do the children of Montserrat sing about volcanoes?
revision thursday afterschool...
in the meantime .....
something nice for the weekend ……
watch mind the gap on iplayer
or if you are looking for A* have a look at this website- it is super!
for those who just want a bit of exam practise ….
Mrs B
it's starting….
nice simple and enjoyable 10 minute task
watch the following videos:
a little cheeky revision …
and some amazing wildfires
and just love the Hawaiian Lava flows
2 types of Hawaaiian lava one called Pahoehoe and one called a'a
pahoehoe is thick and can flow up hill :)
and a great Benidorm one
and all about Cambodia
and a cheeky earthquake to finish
Enjoy :)
w/c 10 February
Use website below to research cultural tourism in Cambodia
answer the question below
What natural and physical attractions does Cambodia have for tourism ?
Identify a site in Cambodia where tourism occus - what problems can tourism bring ?
How can tourism be managed sustainably in Cambodia ?
w/c January 27
Tourism and the Truth
Bring on the Doolymeister
Mind map of the information in the video please
if problem playing please search stacey Dooley Tourism and the Truth Kenya
Jan 21
Use the resource above to prepare an answer to the following activity …..
How can Butlers Life Cycle Model be used to explain what has happened in the photograph below of Southport ?
and how can the model be used to explain this ?
Jan 8
These are some of my favourite storm photos
The disappearing stack totally amazing power of nature
mocks nearly over …keep smiling :)
Friday 6 Dec
Hope you have all had a lovely day off!
If you fancy some revision (just for fun!!!)
Use this link to look at the excellent powerpoint on tropical storms - this is best for higher tier students
for foundation students:
Hurricane Katrina MEDC example
Cyclone Nargis LEDC example
Thursday 5 Dec
For those of you working at a C/B grade
use the bitesize revsion website to check your knowledge of coasts
For those of you working at a A/A* grade:
- Describe the primary and secondary effects of earthquakes. (6 marks)
Wednesday 4 Dec
Type onto Youtube Geography revision
the first hit iran 18 minute video on coastal landforms - watch it!!
That is your revision for tonight!
Fieldwork update
Well done Y11 you were superb!
Your conduct and desire to achieve the highest standards made you a pleasure to accompany to the Lakes.
We were all hugely impressed by your real thirst for geographical knowledge and the quality of your geographical questions and thinking.
However, it was your "can do" spirit and ability to work independently from your teachers that really set you apart.
Very Very well done
Enjoy your weekend
Mrs B :)
(and a special well done from
Mr Gallagher and Mr McGuiness)
Fieldwork Thursday
check out the met office weather forecast
it is going to be cold
wrap up
hats gloves and scarfs please
leaving at 8
don't forget a pencil
Mrs B
Welcome my new Year 11!
really positive start today
but can you beat a 4 year old ?????
Mrs Blanchard
You just know how much I like being right !
All records smashed!
Well done guys
We were smiling today
After the exam -yipee !
...Can't grumble at that - hope you spotted my amazing spidey sense prediction skill ... see you all on Friday... and then results day (can't wait :))
bet your all crying exams are over !!!!
This time tomorow it will all be over :)
Just keep going through your revsion guides - learn the multiplier effect - learn your case studies - refresh your knowledge of command words and think about how to develop answers. (PEE)
You can always go back over the blog posts to help with revsion.
Good Luck
Will see you in the exam hall - I want to see everyone with confident smiles
Use the last of your time effectively
Mrs B
Hope you like today's smile......
Anything you do today will have a massive impact on your results on Tuesday
Keep working hard Y11
try this question
"How can tourism close the development gap ?"
introduction - The development gap is the term given to .....
paragraph 1 - Cambodia is an example of a country that is using tourism to help close the gap .....
paragraph 2 - explain how the tourism multiplier effect works
paragraph 3 - explain how the money a government receives from tourism can be used to improve education health and infrastructure and so can improve the populations quality of life
conclusion - explain that it's not always this easy as a country that relies solely on tourism can be in a vulnerable position / or talk about butlers model
Really focus Spelling Punctuation and Grammar in this practice essay as well as PEE
keep smiling Y11 - nearly over
have a little read about tour companies tonight:
The 'Big 4' are Airtours, TUI (which includes Thomson and First Choice), Thomas Cook and Crystal Holidays. How have they got so big?
One of the main trends in the travel and tourism industry is the move towards greater integration. This is where firms join together, through takeovers and mergers, to form bigger operations. Larger firms can achieve economies of scale - this means that costs are lower and so they can make more profit.
Vertical integration is where firms integrate at different levels of the distribution chain. If a tour operator buys a travel agency, this is known as forward vertical integration. Where a tour operator buys an airline, this is known as backward vertical integration.
Travel businesses may be large enough to be able to take over other smaller businesses that offer other travel products and services. For instance, if an airline was taken over by a tour operator, this would be an example of vertical integration; the tour operator would be looking to benefit from lower costs in allocating customers their air travel services. This would mean that the tour operator should be able to make more profit from its overall business. The same tour operator might also take over a travel agency in order to find a more profitable way of selling its travel products and services. The whole organisation would then be a vertically integrated travel business offering holiday packages to customers through its own retail outlets. The business should be able to control its costs more effectively and be able to communicate well with all parts of its travel operations. Problems may occur if the whole business becomes too large to operate efficiently. If the different parts of the whole business were branded differently, say by giving each part a different name, this might be regarded as being unethical. Customers should have the right to know when there is a relationship between a tour operator and a travel agent. If not, they may believe they are getting a fair price for their holiday, when in fact the price is being kept artificially high because the operator and the agent are different parts of the same business.
Examples of vertical integration in the travel and tourism industry include:
- TUI Travel UK owns Thomson and First Choice tour operating businesses, and the Thomson and First Choice travel agency chains (TUI UK is itself controlled by the German company TUI AG)
- Thomas Cook AG (a German group) owns the Thomas Cook and MyTravel tour operating companies (including Airtours), plus the Thomas Cook and Going Places chains of travel agencies
Where two travel firms which offer competing services join together, this is known as horizontal integration. The aim is still to make economies of scale. For example, when EasyJet took over Go! arlines in 2002, it was a case of one budget airline taking over another no-frills airline. Although the two companies became one, they could have retained their different brand names. In fact in this case, EasyJet very quickly re-branded all of Go!'s planes with their own distinctive livery.
go to the following website
and watch the video's for:
climate change
economic change
each video is only 2 mins - they will help your general understanding of tourism
super sports person !!!!!
Revision P3 -after maths in A6 Friday
Tuesday 11 July
Describe the positive and negative social impacts of tourism. (8marks)
REVISION IS ON P5 Wednesday in A6 - to allow time in morning to revise for ICT
Monday 10 July
Describe the economic benefits tourism can bring to LEDCs. (8 marks)
to answer this question you need:
introduction - say what benefits tourism brings
you need to use Cambodia / Thailand case study
You need to use PEE to develop 2 points really clearly
You need to mention the multiplier effect
you need a conclusion about how tourism can close the development gap
treat this as a mini essay
Sunday 9 June
Evaluate the effectiveness of sustainable tourism in an area you have studied (4)
To answer this question -Evaluate command word you have to look at the successes and failures of the GBRMPA - and then make a decision as to how successful it has been as an example of tourism - in other words:
- does it help to protect the environment ?
- does it help to develop a stable economy ?
- does it support traditional culture / way of life - without causing offence ?
This question is difficult and for foundation I would expect you to focus on the environment
use the following sentence starter...
"for tourism to be sustainable then the impacts on local people, the economy and the environment need to be balanced ...."
make sure that you evaluate in other words you say in your conclusion that it has been highly successful
1. What is meant by the term ecotourism ? (3)
2. Explain why ecotourism is a sustainable form of tourism. (6)
1. What is the difference between domestic and international tourism ?
2. What is mass tourism ?
3. What is the difference between short and long haul ?
survey monkey please ....
to answer this question you need:
introduction - say what benefits tourism brings
you need to use Cambodia / Thailand case study
You need to use PEE to develop 2 points really clearly
You need to mention the multiplier effect
you need a conclusion about how tourism can close the development gap
treat this as a mini essay
Sunday 9 June
Evaluate the effectiveness of sustainable tourism in an area you have studied (4)
To answer this question -Evaluate command word you have to look at the successes and failures of the GBRMPA - and then make a decision as to how successful it has been as an example of tourism - in other words:
- does it help to protect the environment ?
- does it help to develop a stable economy ?
- does it support traditional culture / way of life - without causing offence ?
This question is difficult and for foundation I would expect you to focus on the environment
use the following sentence starter...
"for tourism to be sustainable then the impacts on local people, the economy and the environment need to be balanced ...."
follow this link for some additional revision:
make sure that you evaluate in other words you say in your conclusion that it has been highly successful
1. What is meant by the term ecotourism ? (3)
2. Explain why ecotourism is a sustainable form of tourism. (6)
1. What is the difference between domestic and international tourism ?
2. What is mass tourism ?
3. What is the difference between short and long haul ?
survey monkey please ....
1. Explain at least 3 factors that have led to a growth in global tourism.
2. What are development indicators ?
Year 11
Could you take a couple of minutes to complete our exit questionnaire please ?
thank you
Mrs Blanchard
Use the information below to complete the past question ..
"What are the advantages and disadvantages of booking your own holiday ?"
Advantages of planning and booking your own holiday
There is freedom of choice - you can go wherever and whenever you want. You have much more flexibility (eg. if you booked with a travel agency you might have to go half-board at the hotel when you don't actually want to do this).
You feel independent and there is a greater feeling of adventure.
You can stay in more than one place during the course of your holiday.
You can stay in more unconventional locations and won't be restricted to certain hotels.
The holiday you like the look of at the travel agency might not fly from the nearest or most convenient airport. If you book the flight yourself you can choose the most convenient departure airport and time for you.
Disadvantages of planning and booking your own holiday
There's nobody to look after you if things go wrong - if you book through an agent you have a tour company and rep to look after you if something goes wrong.
It can take a long time to book as you need to shop around and look at different websites to find the best deals - a travel agency could do this for you. You can be spoilt for choice as you can choose any combination you want - this can make it very difficult to choose!
If you book the parts of your holiday separately your insurance might not cover you for hotel costs if your flight is delayed or cancelled. If you use a travel agency they will be able to sort out insurance for you so you are covered if anything goes wrong - and as it is part of a package you can be confident that everything is covered.
A travel agency may have specialist knowledge of the destination and may, for example, have information about which areas are not safe to stay in. If you book the holiday yourself, you might miss out on this information.
Well done today Thursday - big exam day
20 May 2013 Tourism
learning and understanding the diagram above is very important - draw your own version and put on your bedroom wall
smile of the day
Blackpool - tourism
Need I say more .........
homework 27 April Mrs B's classes
Describe the location of the UK's national Parks. (3)
Explain why the number of people visiting these parks has risen over the last 20 years (5)
Can you justify the following statement:
"Second home ownership in National Parks brings much needed income to small villages."
Challenge plus no more than 60 words !
Year 11
today's smile
What are the commonalities between Benidorm and Southport ? what are the differences ?
Can you think of three ways Southport is different to Benidorm and three ways it is similar ?
Make sure they are geographical !
Welcome back Y11
It's exam time
Smiling is going to be our key to success this year - lovely little starter ...
analyse photograph below -think critically - What is happening in the photograph ? What part of the world do you think this is ? Is this tourism sustainable ?
Clue to country : ALSO
Tuesday :
Coasts easy peasy - fingers crossed for hostile world......
Use this link to look at the excellent powerpoint on tropical storms - this is best for higher tier students
for foundation students:
Hurricane Katrina MEDC example
Cyclone Nargis LEDC example
hostile world
In this paper, you will be asked a lot of data handling and map based questions. It would be a good idea to practise your skills using this section of Bitesize:
don't forget smokey bear
Final Revision
coasts questions
try the past papers
hostile world
try the past paper:
Focus on your Montserrat case study
Y11 - Hostile world - make sure that you are watching about the wildfires in Tasmania - human or natural hazard or quasi ????
Year 11 REVISION Reminder
Resit Revision sessions Wednesday after school in C11 and C14
Any questions about resits see Mrs Slater asap.
Investigate at least one example of the use of environmental methods of coastal management (managed retreat).
− Describe the methods used.
− Explain how they operate to protect the coastal area.
− Evaluate the significance of the methods in relation to the increasing risk of coastal flooding.
Hostile World
Explain why the distribution and frequency
of wildfires may change.
Include the effects
of increasing numbers of people living in and
using semi-arid areas, increased frequency
of drought due to climate change.
why areas in which wildfires occur should be
happy new year!
hostile worldcheck out climate graphs
other graphs that could come up ...
Saturday - Wildfires revison
use website above to revise wildfires
revise your processes of erosionusing website above
Hope you all had a lovely christmas - now it's time to think about getting some work completed....
nice easy starter for today
hostile world:
make up song lyrics to the tune of james arthur's (x factor) hit single
impossible a verse on kobe earthquake a verse on california wildfires and a verse on hurricane Katrina
make up the lyrics but this time link to the reasons behind all the recent landslips!!!
will try to update every day now
Mrs B
Happy christmas !!
yipee - it's nearly christmas-
can you take the 5 bullet point challenge?
- in no more than 5 bullet points for each explain - but your bullets must be in sentences with capital letter and full stops
- how a volcano forms
- how an earthquake forms
- how a tropical storm forms
Especially for BEN ;)
.......some extra questions this week....
Explain how the development of coastal areas can damage local environments (6 marks)
Explain how a coastal spit is formed.
You may use a diagram to support your answer.
Hostile world
‘The number of tropical storms will increase in the future. This is because of
climate change.’
Do you agree with these views?
Tick the box of your choice.
Give reasons for your decision.
(6 marks)
Do you agree with these views?
Tick the box of your choice.
Give reasons for your decision.
(6 marks)
The cost of damage from wildfires is increasing.
Give two reasons why.
1 .........................................................................................................................................
2 .........................................................................................................................................
Give two reasons why.
1 .........................................................................................................................................
2 .........................................................................................................................................
(2 marks)
Homework w/c 10th December
Coasts foundation
Describe ways in which human activities may cause conflict in coastal
environments. (4 marks )
Hostile world foundation
Give two effects of the volcanic eruption and two responses
to a volcanic eruption.
Effect 1
Effect 2
Response 1
Response 2
(4 marks)
Hostile world higher
Describe the long term responses to a volcanic eruption (4 marks)
w/c 3rd December
Homework this week is the past paper
Some of you are still just attempting to answer questions without revising first - it is really important that you try to score the highest marks possible by developing your answers
Look at the example :
How can the damaging effects of a tropical storm be reduced in an LEDC ?
Many of your answers are like this:
The damaging effects of tropical storms can be reduced by educating women to swim.
You need to develop this answer - Look how I have developed your answer to score higher marks ..
The damaging effects of tropical storms in LEDCs can be reduced by educating women to swim - unlike MEDCs women are not taught to swim as part of everyday life and may face drowning when the storm surge floods coastal regions. If women can swim then they are more likely to survive by being able to swim to safety along a cyclone wall or in a cyclone shelter. When Cyclone Nargis hit over 100 000 people drowned in a 4 metre storm surge, some of these deaths would have been prevented if women could swim.
I have added some case study detail but more importantly I have explained in detail why educating women to swim reduced the deaths from tropical storms in LEDCs.
You do not need to give a list of points as an answer just really focus on explaining one point well. If the questions asked you to give two reasons then you would need to explain another reason.
Some of you are getting much better at this....the rest of you need to keep trying - it is an easy way to get marks.
and just for fun perhaps you could record a hurricane video - how about this rap for inspiration!
Why Study A Level Geography at FHS?
You will be part of an outstanding sixth form Department.
You will be taught by experienced teachers
You will be offered opportunities to complete field visits including a residential experience.
You will become part of the Merseyside Geographical Association and attend lectures and seminars at local Universities.
You will also be lectured in school by visiting speakers, such as Doctors who are working to support HIV charities in Sub Saharan Africa.
At Formby High we know your strengths and we will support you through your 2 years study of Geography. We recognise that you are no longer Y11 students and you will soon recognise how the relationship between yourself and staff changes, ensuring you are treated as maturing individuals. We offer a package of quality teaching, outstanding support and guidance and enhancement activities focused on both academic excellence as well as enjoyment. We thoroughly love teaching Geography and look forward to the opportunity to teach you..
Speak to a member of the Geography department for more information...
26th November
hostile world :
Reducing the damaging effects of tropical storms:
Explain how to reduce the damage caused by tropical storms - try to explain how this is different in LEDCs to MEDCs.
Beach replenishment (sometimes called beach nourishment) is an example of soft engineering. Beach replenishment means that sand is dumped or pumped from elsewhere onto the beach.
Beach recycling is an attempt to even out the natural process of lonsgore drift. You could think of it as being the opposite of longshore drift - sand and shingle is moved from areas where it has built up from longshore drift and put back to its original position. It is most common for beach recycling to happen after winter storms when large amounts of material have been moved by natural processes.
Beach reprofiling happens where bulldozers are used to move material up the beach. After storms, the upper beach levels can get very low because materials have been removed in the wave backwash. Bulldozers are used to push material back up the beach to create gently sloping profile. A gently sloping beach can absorb more wave energy than a steep beach, so it is a better natural form of defence.
Draw a diagram to help you to remember the soft engineering processes named in the paragraph above.
Homework for week beginning
18th November
Before starting work you might want to have a look at the following website:
1. Draw a diagram to show the structure of a tropical storm.
2. In no more than 5 bullet points explain the formation of a tropical storm.
3. Describe where tropical storms form - why do they not form on the equator?
A * extension - what is vertical wind shear and how does it link to the formation of hurricanes?
Draw a mind map to show the different types of hard and soft engineering.
homework for week beginning 12th November
Hostile world
Higher tier
Describe the primary and secondary effects of tropical storms.
Explain how the effects might vary among countries with different levels of economic development.
Foundation tier
Describe the primary effects of a tropical storm.
Name three secondary effects of a tropical storm.
Explain why rich countries are better prepared for tropical storms the poor countries.
What is a shoreline management plan ?
Describe an example of a shoreline management plan that you have studied.
Hope Maths exam went well
You all looked very confident this morning!
Now back to Geography revision!!!
Hostile World higher and foundation
Describe how MEDC and LEDCs can reduce the damage of
a) earthquakes
What are the differences between short term and long term responses ?
Produce three diagrams to show - longshore drift - the formation of bars and spit
Homework for week beginning 15th October
and half term homework
Hostile World Higher
Describe the advantages of living in areas at risk from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Include geothermal energy, tourism, and fertile soils.
Explain why people choose to stay in, or are unable to move away from an area at risk from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
Hostile World Foundation
Describe the advantages of living in areas at risk from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Include geothermal energy, tourism, and fertile soils.
Explain why people choose to stay in, or are unable to move away from an area at risk from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
Make sure that you can learn this
- Produce a fact file on ‘soft’ coastlines including: slumped coastlines, landslides, mudslides.
Year 11 please use your exercise book or revision guide to support these answers - too many of you are answering from memory without detailed revision to help you answer and so you are not making the most of your home study time
Welcome back
Homework for w/c 8th October
hostile world foundation
- draw and label diagrams of a constructive destructive and conservative plate margin. LEARN
hostile world higher
- As for foundation but add an explanation as to what is happening at each plate margin. LEARN
- Produce a fact file on the following features of a hard’ coastlines :
headlands, bays, wave-cut platforms, caves, arches, stacks, rock falls.
Year 11
Enjoy your work experience
If you would like to use the time in the evening to revise for re - sit I would suggest that you read over your revision guide - I think you will find that you are shattered from the real world of work!
You will all be fabulous
Enjoy .........
Homework for Mrs Blanchard's class
w/c 17 th September
Hostile World Foundation
Describe why the effects of an earthquake may be worse in an MEDC than an LEDC. 4 marks
Hostile World Higher
Explain how the primary and secondary effects of Earthquakes may be different in an MEDC to an LEDC. 6 marks
What is weathering ?
Draw diagrams to show the different types of weathering.
Homework for Mrs Blanchard's Y11 Class
w/c 10 th September
Hostile World
Foundation re sitters
- Give three examples of a primary effect of an earthquake. (3)
- Give three examples of a secondary effect of an earthquake. (3)
Higher tier re sitters
- Describe the primary and secondary effects of earthquakes. (6)
Coasts resitters
Draw and label a diagram of a consructive and destructive wave.
Last minute revision!
Work on your case studies and of course the tourism multiplier effect
read more about it at :
Don't forget to come in Thursday afternoon!
Role of tour companies:
Vertical integration:
Travel businesses may be large enough to be able to take over other smaller businesses that offer other travel products and services. For instance, if an airline was taken over by a tour operator, this would be an example of vertical integration; the tour operator would be looking to benefit from lower costs in allocating customers their air travel services.This would mean that the tour operator should be able to make more profit from its overall business. The same tour operator might also take over a travel agency in order to find a more profitable way of selling its travel products and services.
The whole organisation would then be a vertically integrated travel business offering holiday packages to customers through its own retail outlets. The business should be able to control its costs more effectively and be able to communicate well with all parts of its travel operations. Problems may occur if the whole business becomes too large to operate efficiently.
If the different parts of the whole business were branded differently, say by giving each part a different name, this might be regarded as being unethical. Customers should have the right to know when there is a relationship between a tour operator and a travel agent. If not, they may believe they are getting a fair price for their holiday, when in fact the price is being kept artificially high because the operator and the agent are different parts of the same business.
Horizontal integration:
Image: easyJet took over Go! in 2002 - an example of horizontal integration. Copyright: easyJet airline company limited
This is where a business offering one travel product takes over another that offers a very similar travel product or service. For example, when easyJet took over Go! in 2002, it was a case of one budget airline taking over another no-frills airline. Although the two companies became one, they could have retained their different brand names. In fact in this case, easyJet very quickly re-branded all of Go!'s planes with their own distinctive livery.Friday
revise measuring development...
Development is difficult to measure because so many factors must be considered.
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As you can see there are two distinctive ways development can be measured - none is perfect! So in 1990 the United Nations introduced the HDI and it works by ranking countries according to their Quality of Life of their citizens. The HDI is a composite of three variables:-
Ecotourism Thailand
Eco-tourism is currently a buzzword in the Thai tourism scene.
It has consistently gained in popularity in recent years in response to the worldwide trend of preserving the natural environment.
Thanks to the abundance and variety of natural resources, Thailand has become a favored destination for adventure seekers and eco-tourists. The Tourism Authority of Thailand as well as the private sector has been quick to respond to the fast-changing demand for back-to-nature activities.
During the past decade, activities like mountain biking, whitewater rafting, trekking and camping, bird watching, scuba diving and rock climbing have sprung up in many natural tourist areas. They are now becoming increasingly popular as mainstream travelers pay more attention to off-the-beaten-track destinations.
Most of Thailand's national parks are under the control of the Royal Forest Department. Most national parks provide trekking trails for nature explorers. There are also camping sites for those who want to overnight in the parks. Trekking and camping are available in the mountainous areas all over Thailand such as Doi Luang Chiang Dao in Chiang Mai, Phu Soi Dao in Uttaradit, Thung Salaeng Luang in Phetchabun and Phitsanulok, Phu Kradung in Loei and Khao Luang in Nakhon Si Thammarat, to name but a few.
Actually, trekking and camping are not new tourist activities in Thailand. But they are better managed today than ever before. Apart from trekking along the marked trails, you may also hire a local guide to take a tour deeper into a forest to explore off-the-beaten-track routes. Organized elephant trekking is another popular activity for anyone who isn't too adventurous.
Normal lessons Thursday 14th June
use the bite size website to revise tourism
Well done Y11 for coming in today
Have a look at this schools blog to revise tourism in Kenya..
Have a look at this school's blog pages on the Lake District and conflict in National Parks:
Will the bad weather over the weekend deter foreign tourists from visiting the UK?
hello from not very sunny Cornwall!
Hope revision is going well I suggest that tonight you have a look at the tourism multiplier effect - its so useful to so many questions - make sure your can draw a simple flow chart to show the positive economic impacts of tourism.
just look at these environments under threat from tourism - the Everest picture is amazing...
Look at this story .. how does it link to tourism in Kenya??
How about thinking about how we measure development today .. remember this video on the human development index?
some revision videos
Don't forget to watch everyones favourite Stacey on Youtube - its just stacey dooley Thailand and its video which lasts an hour......
remember we are focusing on the negative social impacts of tourism and the positive economic impacts in Thailand an LEDC