try this ......
or this ......
A special song for Y9 ….
Mount Etna eruption lights up Sicilian sky
26 October 2013 Last updated at
23:52 BST
An eruption by Europe's most active volcano has sent a tower of sparks and
fire into the sky around it.
Welcome back Year 9 Geographers 2013!You will be studying Tectonic Activity: Restless Earth over the next few weeks. This may be of some interest;
Mr Gallagher's Class Homework
As part of your research for the assessment check out Piers Morgan on Dubai. Follow the link below:
Year 9 Glaciation Assessment Homework
As part of your research for the assessment check out Piers Morgan on Dubai. Follow the link below:
Year 9 Glaciation Assessment Homework
Will poorer places and people be more vulnerable to the effects of sea level rise than richer place and people?
Why? Will sea level rises over the next hundred years or so be more likely to cause mass mortality (large numbers of deaths) or mass migration (forcing people to move away from their homes)? Or both? Why?
Where will the world's poorest people migrate to in order to escape rising sea levels? What could the consequences of this movement be?
How can we try to prevent all of this from happening, or what preparations can we make to help us deal with problems that arise?
Consider the above points as part of your planning for your assessment.
Thinking about GCSE Geography at FHS...?
Geography?... Why bother my friendly blogger?
The study of GCSE Geography can help you to:
- Develop a knowledge and understanding of current events from the local area to the global.
- Investigate the earth and its peoples.
- Study the features of the earth - such as mountains, rivers and seas - and how they were formed.
- Develop a range of useful skills such as map reading, data collection, ICT and problem solving.
- Gain an understanding and appreciation of the cultures and backgrounds of people from all over the world.
- Experience studying outdooors and learn to record 'real' Geography.
What qualities do I need to study GCSE Geography?
- You should have a keen interest in the world around you.
- A superb wit and creative mind to keep up with the teachers at FHS!
- You should be prepared to work hard and research topics by yourself.
- Have a genuine enthusiasm for subjects such as, sustainability and landforms.
Where will Geography take me?
- Well for a start - You will probably visit lots more countries than your parents and travel to areas of the world only normally seen on television.
- Geography could lead you to exciting career prospects - Remember geography achieves good examination results nationally and is one of the most versatile subjects.
- Geography is classified as a science subject in many universities when studied at A Level.
Mrs Slater's 9FOR1 set wall wisher link for homework...
Mrs Slater's 9MBY1 set wall wisher link for homework...
Mrs Slater's Wall Wisher Conflict Homework for 9FOR2. Cut and paste the code below...
Mrs Slater's Geographers... Here is the Meatrix Clip we were talking about!
Year 9 Impossible Places Lesson!
Click on the link below and follow the instructions to add your interesting fact about your 'impossible place'.
Don't forget to add your name!!!
Miss Richmond :-)
Year 9 Homework - Due 29th May
Click on the link below and follow the instructions to add your interesting fact about Dubai!
Don't forget to add your name!!!
May 15th
Mrs Blanchard's set 1 have produced some fabulous independent work on sweatshops - a huge well done the quality of the work is exceptional
Geography enquiry Level 7 + 8 extended homework
Homework Year 9 March 2012
Level 7
- With growing independence, you draw on your knowledge and understanding to identify geographical questions and issues and establish your own sequence of investigation.
- You select and use accurately a wide range of skills.
Level 8
- Drawing on your knowledge and understanding, you show independence in identifying appropriate geographical questions and issues, and in using an effective sequence of investigation.
- You select a wide range of skills and use you effectively and accurately. You evaluate sources of evidence critically before using you in your investigations.
In order to access L7 or L8 in your geography enquiry you need to be able to independently identify appropriate geographical questions and issues and then use your own ideas to complete an investigation.
Aim or hypothesis – this is what you want to test
Background Information – this is the theory or issue you are trying to test
Method – this is how you collect information
Data Presentation – this is how you present your information – maps graphs etc
Data analysis – this is where you describe and suggest reasons for your findings
Conclusion – this is where you return to your aim and suggest if you can accept or reject your aim
Evaluation – this is where you look at the limitations of your method, results and conclusions and the enquiry as a whole.
So the first thing you will need to do is decide what you would like to investigate – keep it small and simple but it can be anything to do with Geography – for example we are studying Iceland – you could investigate :
Aim : “ Does Iceland have the most number of active volcanoes in the World?”
Background info :why does Iceland have volcanoes
Method : use internet websites to search numbers of active volcanoes
Presentation : Draw graph or map to show the major countries with large numbers of active volcanoes
Analysis : Describe in words your findings – give reasons why large numbers in Iceland
Conclusion: Agree or disagree with your original conclusion
Evaluation : What were the problems with your method – was the website you used reliable? How could you improve your enquiry?
So off you go - you have three weeks to complete this extended homework – you do not have to write as much as we did for clone towns – it just has to be your enquiry … GOOD LUCK! DEADLINE DATE …………………….
Go to 'Your Letters' page.
Think about how we can improve the economy and sustainability of our village...share your views.
You are currently studying
The Geography of Conflict...
Check out the financial costs of conflict on the link below...
Check out the Environmental Film competition!
Geography?... Why bother my friendly blogger?
The study of GCSE Geography can help you to:
- Develop a knowledge and understanding of current events from the local area to the global.
- Investigate the earth and its peoples.
- Study the features of the earth - such as mountains, rivers and seas - and how they were formed.
- Develop a range of useful skills such as map reading, data collection, ICT and problem solving.
- Gain an understanding and appreciation of the cultures and backgrounds of people from all over the world.
- Experience studying outdooors and learn to record 'real' Geography.
What qualities do I need to study GCSE Geography?
- You should have a keen interest in the world around you.
- A superb wit and creative mind to keep up with the teachers at FHS!
- You should be prepared to work hard and research topics by yourself.
- Have a genuine enthusiasm for subjects such as, sustainability and landforms.
Where will Geography take me?
- Well for a start - You will probably visit lots more countries than your parents and travel to areas of the world only normally seen on television.
- Geography could lead you to exciting career prospects - Remember geography achieves good examination results nationally and is one of the most versatile subjects.
- Geography is classified as a science subject in many universities when studied at A Level.GO TOTO INVESTIGATE CAREERS IN GEOGRAPHY
Well done to the Year 9 Clone Towners!
Students have sucessfully completed a Clone Town Survey focusing on the hypothesis (statement to test)
'Formby has characteristics of a clone town...'
What are your opinions? Do you think that Formby has lost its independent stores? Do you think this impact is good or bad?
Where do you shop? Are you a Cloney?
Geography Teachers have reported that Year 9 2011/12 are the best yet...
Best geography place quiz ever .........
Clone Wars ..........
Watch this fabulous video from Bishchalgeo channel on you tube ......
Well done Kirsten !
Excellent homework completed by Kirsten D - media watch on global warming and she found this video by ( from black eyed peas.. of course!!) - "Take our Planet Back" - earned a postcard and a place on the blog!
Natural Navigation in the city
Have a look at this webpage to see how you can navigate without GPS or a compass - dont forget to watch bbc 2 All roads lead home on Wednesday 8pm
Hello 9FOR set 1 !
a little bit of homework help ......
What do you think this photograph is all about - have a guess and let your geography teacher know?
Birth of Britain ice ...
just go to :
Want to be a pilot? Want to know more about cities in Europe ? Have a play of this game .... its really addictive!!

A sculpture showing child soldiers is being displayed outside the Houses of Parliament for a month. It has been designed by a special effects artist Schoony who said :
"Sending children to war is horrific and highlighting this injustice is really important to me."
What would you choose to try to stop the use of child soldiers in conflicts?
Year 9 Extended Homework Enquiry
Geography enquiry Level 7 + 8 extended homework
Level 7
- With growing independence, you draw on your knowledge and understanding to identify geographical questions and issues and establish your own sequence of investigation.
- You select and use accurately a wide range of skills.
Level 8
- Drawing on your knowledge and understanding, you show independence in identifying appropriate geographical questions and issues, and in using an effective sequence of investigation.
- You select a wide range of skills and use you effectively and accurately. You evaluate sources of evidence critically before using you in your investigations.
In order to access L7 or L8 in your geography enquiry you need to be able to independently identify appropriate geographical questions and issues and then use your own ideas to complete an investigation.
Aim or hypothesis – this is what you want to test
Background Information – this is the theory or issue you are trying to test
Method – this is how you collect information
Data Presentation – this is how you present your information – maps graphs etc
Data analysis – this is where you describe and suggest reasons for your findings
Conclusion – this is where you return to your aim and suggest if you can accept or reject your aim
Evaluation – this is where you look at the limitations of your method, results and conclusions and the enquiry as a whole.
So the first thing you will need to do is decide what you would like to investigate – keep it small and simple but it can be anything to do with Geography – for example we are studying Iceland – you could investigate :
Aim : “ Does Iceland have the most number of active volcanoes in the World?”
Background info :why does Iceland have volcanoes
Method : use internet websites to search numbers of active volcanoes
Presentation : Draw graph or map to show the major countries with large numbers of active volcanoes
Analysis : Describe in words your findings – give reasons why large numbers in Iceland
Conclusion: Agree or disagree with your original conclusion
Evaluation : What were the problems with your method – was the website you used reliable? How could you improve your enquiry?
So off you go - you have three weeks to complete this extended homework – you do not have to write as much as we did for clone towns – it just has to be your enquiry … GOOD LUCK! DEADLINE DATE …………………….